Limerick Fire Department
June 17-21, 2024; 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Ages 6-13 years of age (Must be 6 yrs of age by start of camp)
*2024 Registration Opens February 7, 2024*
Welcome to Limerick Fire Department’s Youth Firefighter Camp. Due to the success of our camp, the deadline to register cannot be extended and attendance is limited.
Why try this Camp? You child will:
►Learn fire safety you thought you knew & then apply what you’ve learned
►Learn about the fire department, trucks (apparatus), and personnel
►Hands-on with various equipment
►Ladders-learn the how-to’s
►Hoses-proper techniques to connect to the hydrant, flow water, roll up, etc.
►Extinguishers-the ABC’s
►Rescue tools-hands-on and during simulated live demonstrations
►Fire gear-bunker pants, jacket, helmet, safety gloves & glasses all provided
►Watch & participate in several live demonstrations with the firefighters
►And so much more….